Residential Copper Gutters Services in Colorado Springs and Denver

As a homeowner, it is important to have a functioning gutter system. The gutter system of a home is responsible for redirecting the flow of stormwater away from the foundation of the house. Keeping water away from the foundation prevents water damage to the basement, ceiling and roof. Water damage can cause costly damages to any home or building. That is why the gutter system is so important. And, there are many different materials that are used for gutters to consider. There are copper, vinyl, aluminum, and zinc gutters. Copper gutters add curb appeal to any home or commercial building. Copper does not rust, crack or wear down, and can be used in any weather climate.
Why Consider Residential Copper Gutters?
While copper gutters are more expensive, they are a great investment for any home. Copper is a sturdy material that requires less maintenance than gutters made with other materials. Copper gutters do not dent or sag which means that the homeowner will not have to replace the gutters as you would have to do with gutters made of other materials. This will save on money in the end. And, copper gutters adapt to their environment. They add a pleasing aesthetic because they can change colors from dark gray to green. If preferred, a sealant can be applied to the gutters to help them retain the pleasing copper shade.
Copper Gutter Maintenance
Copper gutters need less maintenance than gutters made of other materials. Leaves, twigs and other debris will still need to be cleared every now and then. But, because copper gutters do not rust, it really is the most trouble free material to use for gutters. Also, copper is a fungicide and an algaecide. That means that copper as a material helps keep away moss or other blockages forming around or inside of the gutters. You can clean copper gutters wearing gloves and with soft plastic tools. Metal tools that are used for cleaning gutters of different materials may end up scratching copper gutters, so this is something to avoid. A copper gutter system could last the life of your home, if maintained properly.
Installation of Residential Copper Gutters in Colorado Springs & Denver
Call the experts at Legacy Gutters today at for all your gutter needs – or send your residential gutter installation inquiry now! Our experienced and trained staff would be more than happy to assist with any questions you may have regarding your gutters.